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Jan 27, 2021 Minutes

Published 2021-03-18 14:26:07

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 110 Years – 2021
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Dehn, Secretary Walker (via Zoom), Treasurer
Thiele-Sardiña, Director Moritz, Director Otte
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: District Manager Ramirez, Finance Manager Fisher,
District Counsel Condotti by Zoom
Others Present: Rick Simonson and Gabe Sassar with HF&H, Resident
E.J. Shalaby.
2. Communications from the Public: None.
3. Consent Calendar
Motion to Approve by:_Moritz__ 2nd by: _Walker_ Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting January 13, 2021
B. Consideration to Approve Grant Deed of Easement 35 Sioux Way, Portola Valley
C. Consideration of Resolution Accepting Deed of Easement Pursuant to Class 3
Sewer Permit No. 1086 for the Construction of Wastewater Facilities for 155
Cherokee Way, Portola Valley, California
4. Workshop and Discussion on the Sewer Service Charge Rate Study for Fiscal Year
Comments: HF&H reported on the draft Sewer Service Charge Rate Study. It was reported
that the District is in need of a rate increase in order to meet revenue requirement for future
capital expenditures. The Board of Directors reviewed the 10 year Capital Improvement
Project schedule, including the expenditures needed to raise the Levee at the Flow
Equalization Resource Recovery Facility due to sea level rise. District Manager Ramirez
reported the need to perform pipeline improvements at the entrance of Bayfront Park due to
large diameter concrete pipelines that have recently shown degradation. President Dehn
asked staff to remain engaged with the City of Menlo Park and the County of San Mateo with
their paving and other projects in order to coordinate work. HF&H continued to report on the
District’s reserves and the need to refund the reserves to the District’s target levels. The
Board of Directors requested HF&H to study a 2.5% increase in anticipation of major future
capital expenditures at FERFF and the Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) regional treatment
plant. HF&H will bring a revised report for the Board to consider at the February 24, 2020
Regular Board Meeting.
5. Consideration to Approve Transfer of Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club SRF
Deposit to Money Market Account
Motion to Approve by: Thiele-Sardiña 2nd by: _Moritz___ Vote:AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: The Board considered refunding, at Sharon Heights request, the over deposit
for the recycled water facility, as well as moving the Sharon Heights funds from an
investment account into a “no risk” money market account. Sharon Heights has also
requested refunding back to the investment account’s gains and interest accrued from the
account. According to District Counsel, the Board could refund the over deposit. As for
moving the funds into a money market account, it is the District’s discretion as to where the
money is held. In addition, according the Long Term Agreement (LTA) any gains and
interests accrued shall be kept in the account for the duration of the SRF loan. After some
discussion, Treasurer Thiele-Sardiña made a motion to refund the over deposit and that the
funds will be moved to a money market account, as requested, but only after the funds have
been liquidated without a loss or when the funds have reached their short term maturity. In
addition, the gains and interest will be kept in the account as stated in the Long Term
Agreements. A rollcall vote was taken with 4 Ayes 0 Nays and 1 Abstained (due to a ZOOM
conference call disconnection by Secretary Walker.)
6. District Manager’s Report
1) Administrative:
a. Menlo Country Club has been inquiring about building a recycled water facility on
their property and is seeking West Bay’s involvement. The matter will be discussed
with the San Mateo County LAFCo.
b. SVCW has been using the FEF to regulate flow routinely this month.
c. District Manager will be looking into a recognition award for not having any overflow
spills in the entire calendar year of 2020.
d. Staff is reviewing a system to streamline CCTV lateral video’s that are submitted to
the District for review by private plumbers and homeowner. The new system requires
the plumber to pay $30 to upload the video file to the Cloud where District Staff can
review the file free of charge. This reduces staff contact with the public and stores the
video for easy viewing by the District and homeowners. The new system is named
Forward Lateral.
e. The Board should consider approving a resolution for the work Anderson Pacific has
done on the Recycled Water Facility.
f. District Manager Ramirez reported on a new system, Forward Lateral, which allows
plumbers to upload private laterals CCTV videos. The new system would make things
more automated and lessen contact with plumbers especially during COVID-19.
Forward Lateral is being integrated with the HomeServe Insurance group and could
further enhance that program. The Board requested the Pilot Project proceed but
would like an update at a later date including the true cost of the program and gained
staff efficiency.
2) Finance:
a. Staff is making an adjustment to the last monthly SRF payment from the SHGCC to
reflect the new final SRF loan balance.
b. Payroll has been working on the new Prime Pay module to streamline payroll.
c. Staff met with HF&H to discuss the ongoing Sewer Service Rate Study for 2021.
3) CIP & IT Projects:
a. Levee Improvement Project:
i. The Bayfront Environmental Impact Report Draft is complete the Board
authorized the District Manager to commence the 45 day comment period.
b. Construction Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)
i. A preconstruction meeting was held on January 21th for Bay North and
Ringwood pipeline replacement project.
ii. The metal storage building contractor, Aztec, may begin staging at the FERFF
before the end of January 2021.
4) Operations and Maintenance:
a. Collection System:
i. Crews have begun the 2021 cleaning schedule.
ii. The two newest maintenance staff will begin to prepare for the Commercial
Driver’s License.
b. Training:
i. COVID 19 Staff will be training on the new COVID Prevention Plan.
5) Water Quality:
a. Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club:
i. The District and Sharon Heights O&M meeting continue monthly.
ii. Staff has begun to deliver SHGCC samples to SVCW as a trial.
b. Bayfront Recycled Water Plant (BRWP):
i. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) comment period is underway.
ii. Board direction was given to staff to begin to plan for a .6MGD recycled water
facility at Bayfront with the option to upsize to .8MGD.
c. West Bay:
i. Staff will begin FOG inspections via ZOOM and telephone.
ii. Staff will begin to sample near Bayfront Park to support future projects in the
iii. Staff will retain the “As-Needed Services” of the current Anderson Pacific,
Chief Plant Operator (CPO) to help support the District’s CPO for the first part
of 2021.
6) Fleet and Facilities:
a. Vehicle Maintenance:
i. Redwood City has been repairing vehicles and equipment successfully for the
last few of months.
ii. Working on new Service Van and should be completed by the end of January.
7) Personnel:
i. As of February 1st the District will be fully staffed with a new Maintenance
8) Upcoming Events:
a. Regular Board Meeting: January 27, 2021
b. Next Regular Board meetings: February 10, 2021
9) Misc./Action Items from Previous Meeting:
a. West Bay SSOs: Zero SSOs for December. District did not experience SSOs the
entire 2020 year.
b. LAH Contract: Had 3 SSO in 2020. Negotiations for the next contract will begin.
c. Town of Woodside Contract: No SSOs for 2020. Crews cleaned the entire system
in 2020. Negotiations for the next contract will begin.
d. Revenue: It was the Board’s consensus at the January 13th, 2021 Regular Board
Meeting to receive the Financial Activity Report (aka. Withdrawal Order), capturing a
full month, at the first meeting of the month. The next Financial Activity Report is due
to the Board at the February 10th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
7. January 27th Update Report on District Response to Corona Virus
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported staff will be conducting training on
the new COVID-19 Prevention Plan.
8. Report and Discussion on Sharon Heights Recycled Water Plant
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported over 20 million gallons of recycled
water have been delivered to-date.
9. Discussion and Direction on Future Recycled Water Projects and Status
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported staff will be meeting with developers
to explain the estimated cost for the Bayfront Recycled Water Facility. A report was also
given about a potential recycled water facility at the Menlo Country Club in the Town of
Woodside. Meetings will be scheduled with LAFCo and San Mateo County about the
potential venture.
10. Report & Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Comments: President Dehn reported the next meeting is scheduled on January 28.
11. Report, Discussion & Direction on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) and Discussion on
SVCW CIP Program and Financing
Comments: Director Otte reported the directional drilling is going well.
Approximately, half of the tunnel has now been bored.
12. Closed Session
Entered closed session at 9:02 p.m. Left closed session at 9:07 p.m.
Reportable action: No Reportable Action.
Agency designated representatives: Board President/Legal Counsel
Unrepresented employee: District Manager
13. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Comments: None.
14. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM
/s/ David A. Walker