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June 10, 2020 Minutes

Published 2020-10-27 14:38:57

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 110 Years – 2020
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dehn, Walker, Thiele-Sardine (7:05), Moritz, Otte
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott, Ramirez, Fisher, Condotti via Zoom
Others Present: Chris Lamm – City of Menlo Park via Zoom
2. Communications from the Public: None
8. Consideration of Authorizing the District Manager to Consent to the Abandonment
of Right-of-Way at Terminal Ave, Menlo Park
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: Incoming District Manager Sergio Ramirez outlined to the Board the right-of-way
abandonment request by the City of Menlo Park and the conditions stipulated by the District in
order to grant the abandonment. Mr. Lamm from the City of Menlo Park reiterated the
comments from Mr. Ramirez and explained the need for the item was to reconstruct the Onetta
Harris Community Center and thus move the District’s sewer outside of the property line.
3. Consideration to Accept Third Quarter Internal Financial Statements & Analysis of
Financial Position as of Quarter End March 31, 2019
Motion to Approve by: Thiele-Sardiña 2nd by: Moritz Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: Director Moritz inquired about the revenue shortfall listed in the report. Finance
Manger Debra Fisher explained a large payment for $8.4M was received in April just after the
close of the third quarter. Director Moritz asked staff to report back in August once all revenues
are received.
Treasurer Thiele-Sardiña reported for the Finance Advisory Group that all rates including LAIF
rates are coming down. He reported the District’s Bank of the West investment advisors are
diligently looking at investments and investing conservatively. Investing in mutual funds is not
a direction the District would like to consider at this time.
4. Consideration of Approving the FY 2020/21 General Fund, Capital Assets Fund,
Recycled Water Fund, and Solid Waste Fund Budgets and 10-Year Capital Improvement
Plan Projection
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
5. Consider Adoption of Resolution Establishing Rates of Pay and Related Compensation
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: Director Mortiz asked for clarification on why there is a discrepancy between the
starting pay range and the top pay range with some positions. DM Scott explained over time
as salary adjustments are made they are applied to all of the steps within the ranges and over
time a wider gap is created as a result. Director Moritz asked that the subject be discussed
further next year in early 2021.
6. District Manager’s Report
Incoming District Manager Sergio Ramirez reported on the following;
1) Comments: CIP Project:
a. Design work continuing on FERRF Levee Improvement and 2020 CIP. Added $10k
design work for getting District pipelines in concurrent to the Bayfront Storm Water
project in the access road to the Bedwell/Bayfront Park.
b. Cleaning/TVing Large Diameter lines: Crews are working on cleaning and televising
the large diameter sewer lines crew are finding substantial amounts of grit. The 36” on
Sand Hill Road completed up to West Menlo.
c. NOP for Levee Improvement Project: Staff held a public Notice of Preparation
meeting for permitting agencies and neighboring properties as required for the drafting
of the Environmental Impact Report by Zoom on June 3, 2020.
2) Affiliate Agency/Association News:
a. CMPK: Building permit application has been submitted for Metal Building at FERRF and
is being reviewed now by CMPK. DPW has put in the good word to the Building
Department but many are still working from home. Their staff are in different
departments which does not help.
3) Upcoming Events:
a. Board meetings: Regular Board meeting to be held on June 24 which will include items
to amend the Town of Woodside maintenance agreement and a discussion on a Flodar-
flowmeter service agreement. Only 1 meeting in July expected.
4) Misc./Action Items from Previous Meeting:
a. SSOs: Zero SSO for May. 2020 Total = 0. 12 months in a row w/o SSO.
b. LAH: Zero SSO for May. 1 SSO in 2020.
c. Maintenance Worker: Hector Hernandez started Monday to fill vacant MW position.
d. New Operations Superintendent: In progress 1st round interviews are on June 25.
7. Consent Calendar
Motion to Approve by: Walker 2nd by: Moritz Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting May 27, 2020
B. Approval of the Withdrawal Order Authorizing Payment of Certain Bills and Salaries
and Consideration of Other Financial Matters for June 10, 2020
C. WBSD Operations and Maintenance Report – May 2020
D. Town of Los Altos Hills Operations and Maintenance Report for Work Performed by
WBSD – May 2020
9. Consideration of Resolution Appointing the District Manager as the Deputy
Secretary/Deputy Treasurer of the District Board, the Chief Fiscal Officer of the West Bay
Sanitary District, and Granting the District Manager Authority to Open Accounts and Invest
Motion to Approve by: Walker 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
10. Consideration Authorizing Certain District Officers to Affect the Deposit and Withdrawal of
Funds from the Local Agency Investment Fund
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
11. Consideration of Approving Resolution to Modify the Investment Policy to include the
Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) Irrevocable Trust Account and Authorize the
District Manager (Chief Fiscal Officer and Plan Administrator for PARS) to make deposits as
directed by the Board, as well as withdrawals and reimbursement of expenses paid on
behalf of eligible recipients by PERS
Motion to Approve by: Thiele-Sardiña 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
12. June 10th Update on District’s Corona Virus
Comments: Incoming District Manager, Sergio Ramirez, reported staff is resuming normal
pre-COVID 19 work schedules beginning June 8, with the exception of some of the Admin
staff. Office hours have opened up to Monday through Thursday 9am to 3pm. President Dehn
inquired as to why the office is not open to the public on Fridays. She said that other
government buildings had been slow in resuming business to normal efficiency levels and
asked for staff to be mindful of that. Incoming District Manager, Sergio Ramirez, suggested
opening the front office on Fridays by appointment only. The Board agreed it would be a good
13. Discussion and Direction on Recycled Water Projects – Sharon Heights & Bayfront,
Including Project Status
Comments: DM Scott updated the Board on the Sharon Heights project. The contractor is
making process adjustments and addressing recent odor issues downstream of the treatment
plant. DM Scott also reported on staff presenting SHGCC with the operations and
maintenance (O&M) costs. The O&M costs appears to be approximately $35K per month, plus
a potential “sinking fund.” O&M cost may be updated as the plant becomes fully operational.
14. Report & Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Comments: President Dehn reported SBWMA is working on a six month budget to convert
the JPA to a calendar year budget vs. the existing fiscal year budget. SBWMA approved a
new insurance with higher deductibles and lower premiums. President Dehn further reported
that refinancing the JPA’s debt service has saved over $400K. Upcoming items will include a
discussion on diversion rates.
15. Report, Discussion & Direction on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) and Discussion on
SVCW CIP Program and Financing
Comments: Director Otte reported SVCW will be meeting on Monday, June 15. Major topics
will include a $42M design for the Redwood City Pump Station. Overall the entire RESCU
Project is on-time and on budget. President Dehn inquired if the Air Board permits for the
Organics to Energy Project have been discussed lately. Director Otte said they have not.
16. Closed Session
Entered closed session at 8:37 p.m. Left closed session at 9:05 p.m.
Reportable action: None.
(Pursuant to Cal. Govt. Code §54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Board
President/Legal Counsel
Unrepresented Employee: District Manager
(Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9)
Chan, Moreno, Vestnys, Pebbles v. WBSD – San Mateo County Court Case No.
(Cal. Govt. Code §54956.9(d))
Name of Case: 1740 Oak Avenue, LP v. West Bay Sanitary District, et al. – SMCSC
Case No. 18CIV02183
17. Consider to Approve Resolution to Hire Retiring District Manager as Transition Coach
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain:
Comments: None.
18. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Comments: Upcoming items to include are review of all revenue received by August and a
discussion on unrepresented employees starting pay ranges and a possible adjustment for
next year.
19. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM
/s/ David Walker