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March 10, 2021 Minutes

Published 2021-03-31 13:57:44

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 110 Years – 2020
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Dehn, Secretary Walker by Zoom, Treasurer
Thiele-Sardiña, Director Moritz, Director Otte
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Manager Ramirez, District Counsel Condotti, by Zoom
Others Present: Dave Richardson – Woordard & Curran, Vivian Housen –
V.W. Housen & Assoc., Tim Steele – Sabrato, Victoria
Wong – MidPen Housing, Jeff Poetsch- Bayshore
2. Communications from the Public: None.
3. Public Hearing – Annexing Certain Territory Within the West Bay Sanitary District’s
On-Site Wastewater Disposal Zone – Lands of Kavanaugh (25 Arapahoe Court,
Portola Valley)
Motion to Open by: Moritz 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
Motion to Close by: Moritz 2nd by: Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
4. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Ordering Annexation of Certain Parcels in the
Territory of West Bay Sanitary District to the West Bay Sanitary District’s On-Site
Wastewater Disposal Zone Including Certain Determinations, Findings and
Declarations of the District Board – Lands of Kavanaugh (25 Arapahoe Court, Portola
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
5. Consent Calendar
Motion to Approve by: Otte 2nd by: Moritz Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting February 24, 2021
B. Approval of the Financial Activity Report Authorizing Payment of
Certain Bills and Salaries and Consideration of Other Financial Matters thru
February 28, 2021
C. WBSD Operations and Maintenance Report – February 2021
D. Town of Los Altos Hills Operations and Maintenance Report for Work Performed by
WBSD – February 2021
E. Town of Woodside Operations and Maintenance Report for Work Performed by
WBSD – February 2021
F. Consideration to Approve Resolution Consenting to Annexation of Territory to the
West Bay Sanitary District by the San Mateo County Local Agency Formation
Commission – 25 Arapahoe Court, Portola Valley (077-300-080), Lands of
G. Consideration to Authorize the District Manager to Issue Class 3 Sewer Permit No.
1603 for the Construction of Wastewater Facilities for 25 Arapahoe Court, Portola
Valley, California
H. Consideration to Approve Resolution Authorizing the President and Secretary to
Enter into Agreement Creating Covenants Running With the Land for 25 Arapahoe
Court, Portola Valley
I. Consideration of a Resolution of Intention to Annex Certain Territory (30 Cheyenne
Point) to the West Bay Sanitary District On-Site Wastewater Disposal Zone and to
Establish the Date and Time of Public Hearing
6. Consideration to Accept the East Palo Alto Developers Sewer System Capacity
Study by V. W. Housen & Associates
Motion to Approve by:_____ 2nd by: ____ Vote: AYE: NAY: Abstain:
Comments: Vivian Housen of V.W. Housen & Assoc. presented the capacity study to the
Board. In her presentation she addressed whether it was possible to serve EPA
development with sewer services. Her report concluded that it is possible to serve EPA
development but pointed out that some capacity upgrades would be necessary. Tim Steel
with Sobrato reported East Palo Alto Sanitary District (EPASD) has estimated the cost for
Sobrato to be served by EPASD to be over $7M. This was supported through a study
previously done by Fryer & Laureta in order to serve the University Plaza (one of Sobrato’s
projects.) Mr. Steele also reported the Sobrato Community Center’s EPASD construction
estimate was approximately $6.5M in cost. Mr. Steele mentioned he appreciated the
opportunity to work with West Bay to help move the projects along. President Dehn asked, if
the District foresees any permitting challenges allowing EPA developers to connect to West
Bay’s collection system. District Manager Ramirez stated, permitting and service areas
would have to go through the LAFCo process. Victoria Wong with Mid-Pen Housing and Tim
Steele stated they do not see any permitting challenges once they get their Will-Serve
letters. The Board’s consensus was to add Willow Pump Station upgrades into the study, as
well as to make a reference to the developers who funded the study. The Board felt the
V.W. Housen construction estimates were low and asked the consultant to clarify the costs
that were presented in the study. Generally, the Board is willing to consider a boundary
adjustment to incorporate a small area of EPASD in order to help EPASD off set their
apparent capacity issues. Changes to the study will be made and the study will be brought
back for consideration at a future Board meeting.
7. District Manager’s Report
1) Administrative:
a. The Board of Directors updated to the Strategic Plan in 2018. After a review of the
plan, the Strategic Plan goals are relevant. The Board should consider updating the
plan in 2022 or 2023.
b. The Personnel Committee has met and reviewed the updated Personnel Policy.
c. Housen and Associates completed the EPA Development Sewer System Capacity
Study. Information will be presented during the Board meeting by Housen &
d. District Manager is considering entering into a PG&E agreement to replace all light
fixtures at the Admin, Maintenance, and Ops buildings to more energy efficient
fixtures. The program is sponsored by PG&E and is at no cost to the District. The
Board directed the District Manager to focus on the Admin Building and consider
performing the work in-house.
2) Finance:
a. The Finance Advisory Committee will meet to review the new Purchasing Policy and
Investment Policy.
b. The new Payroll module is working more efficiently.
c. Staff has sent out the 218 Notice and will be mailed by March 10th.
3) CIP & IT Projects:
a. Levee Improvement Project:
i. Staff and F&L met with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
regarding the Environmental Impact Review (EIR). EIR comments are being
b. Construction Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
i. Precision Pipeline will begin this year’s CIP project in the next 30 days.
ii. The metal storage building contractor, Aztec, should begin staging at the
FERFF before the end of March 2021.
4) Operations and Maintenance:
a. Collection System:
i. The new Unit 208 Service Truck is on the road. You may see it in a
neighborhood near you, servicing laterals or conducting an Underground
Service Alert marking.
ii. There is a need to use the remaining funds in the Chemical Root Control
budget in order to treat the root growth in the Ladera Area which feeds the
Recycled Water Plant influent pump station. The budget has a remaining
balance of $95,000 from FY20/21. The Superintendent would like to spend
$55,000 in addition to this year’s approved Chemical Root Control project. This
would treat roots before the summer in order to reduce impacts of the
Recycled Water Plant during high production demand. The Board suggested a
pilot application be conducted before chemical root foam is applied in the
entire area.
b. Training:
i. Training for CWEA, CSDA, and others are remaining Virtual at this time.
5) Water Quality:
a. Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club:
i. Sampling results did not meet permit specifications and recycled water
delivery had to be suspended. The issue occurred after the Trojan UV
system was maintained by Trojan’s service person. After thorough
diagnosis and several cleanings of the UV system and sampling
systems, the plant is now within spec. Recycled water is being delivered
once again.
b. Bayfront Recycled Water Facility (BRWF):
i. District Manager would like to contract with Woodard & Curran to provide
support services for the next steps in the BRWF.
ii. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) could be certified by April 2021.
iii. Menlo Park City Staff reported some last minute concerns with the Water
Purveyor MOU which are being addressed.
iv. Meetings will be scheduled with the Recycled Water Ad Hoc Committee and
District Counsel, as we continue to engage with Developers.
c. West Bay:
i. Staff will begin to sample near Bayfront Park to support future projects in the
ii. Staff is evaluating personnel needs to support the Chief Plant Operator (CPO)
with the District’s recycled water efforts, due to regulatory requirements and
staffing overlap; as well as the STEP and Grinder Pump Systems.
6) Fleet and Facilities:
a. Vehicle Maintenance:
i. Maintenance Staff Managers are reviewing the need for an additional hydro
cleaning machine for collection system maintenance.
7) Personnel:
i. The District’s new Modification (Ex-Mod) factor is .79 well below the industry’s
standard. The Ex-Mod factor is the factor by which a standard workers
compensation premium is multiplied to reflect an insured’s actual loss
ii. Personnel Policy is under review.
8) Upcoming Events:
a. Regular Board Meeting: March 10, 2021
b. Next Regular Board meetings: March 24, 2021
9) Misc./Action Items from Previous Meeting:
a. West Bay SSOs: Zero SSOs for February 2021.
b. LAH Contract: Negotiations for the next contract will begin.
c. Town of Woodside Contract: Negotiations for the next contract will begin.
d. Revenue: EPA Developers have paid for the Sewer System Capacity Study.
8. Consideration to Authorize District Manager to enter into an Agreement for
Engineering and Support Services for the “Bayfront Recycled Water Facility Project”
with Woodard & Curran
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported to the board the need for the agreement to
help with the Bayfront Recycled Water Facility Project. The Board approved the agreement.
9. March 10th Update Report on District Response to Corona Virus
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported that to date 7 staff have vaccinated out of
30 employees.
10. Report and Discussion on Sharon Heights Recycled Water Plant
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported there was a problem with UV reactor
number one which has now been resolved and recycled water was delivered again on
March 5. Staff has notified the State Water Board regarding the issue. The District is
preparing to make the first SRF loan payment.
11. Discussion and Direction on Bayfront Recycled Water Project and Status Update
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported the EIR is very close to being fully certified.
District staff met with the Department of Fish and Wildlife to address some concerns. Staff
is in process of working on developer agreements for the project. The District is working on
to update the Code of Regulations regarding recycled water. DM Ramirez met with Western
Recycled Water Coalition (WRWC) regarding federal funding for the Bayfront recycled water
plant and the Levee projects.
12. Report & Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Comments: President Dehn reported the next meeting will be on March 25. She attended
a Zero Waste committee meeting which included discussions of the Materials Recovery
Facility (MRF) upgrades, an Organics to Energy update and discussions on SB 1383
compliance and recycling bill. Additionally, SBWMA is working with the County of San Mateo
on an MOU for the Edible Food Recovery Program. SBWMA is also looking at new
technology to help with zero waste which will be included in future SBWMA meetings.
13. Report, Discussion & Direction on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) and Discussion on
SVCW CIP Program and Financing
Comments: Director Otte reported the TBM is about 70% through and should arrive at the
treatment plant in late May. Next meeting will be held on March 15. Items will include
consideration of extending the line of credit. The annual operating and capital expense
budget will be reviewed at the March 15 meeting.
14. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Comments: Director Moritz would like a committee meeting or closed session to address
the potential costs to the District from any City of East Palo Alto projects. District Manager
Ramirez and District Counsel Condotti will coordinate and place the item for discussion on
future Board agenda.
15. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM
/s/ David A. Walker