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Oct 27, 2021 Minutes

Published 2021-11-17 07:53:41

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 115 Years – 2021
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2021 AT 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Dehn, Secretary Walker, Director Moritz,
Director Otte
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Treasurer Thiele-Sardiña
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ramirez, Condotti by Zoom
Others Present by Zoom: Rick Simonson – HF&H, Dave Richardson – Woodard &
Curran, Bob Whalen – Contractor
2. Communications from the Public: None.
3. Consent Calendar
Discussion/Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting October 13, 2021
B. Consider Authorizing the District Manager to Consent to the Vacation of a Portion of Oak
Grove Avenue at Springline Development (1300 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA)
C. Consider Authorizing the District Manager to Issue Class 3 Sewer Permit No. 1610 for
the Construction of Wastewater Facilities for 130 Shawnee Pass, Portola Valley,
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 4 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
4. District Manager’s Report
Discussion/Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported that the District has entered into
an agreement for a sewer service charge rate study for FY 2022-23 with HF&H in the
amount of $35,000.00. He also reported that audit interviews have concluded. He continued
to report that recruitments for Field Supervisor, Maintenance Worker and Temp.
Maintenance Worker are underway. He also reported that the next Board meeting will be on
November 10 and the November 24 Board meeting should be cancelled. In addition, District
Manager Ramirez reported that the District could participate in the City of Menlo Park
Halloween Parade on October 29. He presented a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) video that
will be used on the District’s website and on social media during the holiday season. The
complete District Manager’s written report is in the October 27, 2021 agenda packet.
5. Discussion and Direction with District Manager and HF&H Regarding the Recycled
Water Financial Plan for the Bayfront Recycled Water Facility
Discussion/Comments: Rick Simonson with HF&H presented slides regarding their work on
the Financial Plan. He described three types of customers who could connect and how they
would contribute to the project:
1.) Pay a contribution in aid of construction,
2.) Pay the capital debt for the first year,
3.) Pay a connection fee that includes capital, debt service, and retired debt. All three
options would also pay O&M costs.
He further reported that the opportunity cost is considerable for customers who connect
earlier. HF&H stated that a Recycled Water Enterprise Fund would be kept separate from
the Sewer Enterprise Fund. Board consensus was to continue with the report. A final draft
of the Financial Plan will be brought to the Board on November 10, 2021.
6. Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing District to Implement Teleconferenced
Public Meetings Pursuant to Assembly Bill
Discussion/Comments: This item will be placed for Board consideration on a monthly basis
until the end of the pandemic.
7. October 27th Update Report on District Response to Corona Virus
Discussion/Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported the Response Plan is being
updated to include the COVID 19 vaccine mandate.
8. Report and Discussion on Sharon Heights Recycled Water Plant
Discussion/Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported the facility treated 9.1 million
gallons (MG) of water and delivered 6.9MG. He continued to report that the first true up for
the plant has been completed and the District will invoice SHGCC for approximately
$15,000. He also reported Freyer & Laureta is working on the design of the Avy Altschul
Pump Station and discussing expanding an easement with the school district.
9. Discussion and Direction on Bayfront Recycled Water Project and Status Update
Discussion/Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported that the full SRF application has
been submitted. He continued to report that District Counsel Condotti is working on MOA for
developers. In addition, he reported that the District’s grant application has made it into the
third round of National Fish & Wildlife Foundation grant process.
10. Report & Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Discussion/Comments: President Dehn reported on Senate Bill 1383 status and mentioned
that many of the efforts are being done with SBWMA.
11. Report, Discussion & Direction on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) and Discussion on
SVCW CIP Program and Financing
Discussion/Comments: Director Moritz reported on the pond restoration project which
SVCW staff brought for consideration to the Commission. The District Board of Directors
were not in favor of spending unnecessary money on more projects. Director Otte reported
that the SVCW plant processed 81.5 million gallons (MG) during the recent storm and had to
divert 11MG to the District’s Flow Equalization Facility.
12. Closed Session
Entered closed session at 8:34 p.m. Left closed session at 9:03 p.m.
A. CONF. WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Cal. Govt. Code § 54957.6)
Agency designated representatives: District Manager/Legal Counsel
Represented, Unrepresented & Exempt employees
Reportable action: None.
13. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Discussion/Comments: Director Moritz commented that he would like separate financial
books for the Recycled Water Fund. District Manager Ramirez stated staff has already
begun to keep track using the new time card system.
14. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM
/s/ David A. Walker