Sharon Heights Water Recycling Project Receives Golden Acorn Award

The West Bay Sanitary District is proud to be this year’s recipient of a Golden Acorn Award for Environmental Stewardship from the Menlo Park Chamber of Commerce. The Golden Acorn awards, which are now in their 43rd year and celebrate community achievement through volunteer efforts and contributions made by organizations and individuals, are a Menlo Park tradition.
The District was honored for its Sharon Heights recycled water project, a partnership with Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club for the construction of a satellite treatment facility at Sharon Heights. It has the capacity to treat a half-miliion gallons per day and can deliver an estimated 80 million gallons per day of recycled water. The facility will save approximately 50 millions of gallons of Hetch Hetchy water annually.
The project was the first to use recycled water in Menlo Park and replaces the drinkable water that had been used for irrigation at Sharon Heights Golf Club and in industrial applications. It has potential for future growth and is 80% complete.
The award recognizes creative, responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. The Sharon Heights project benefits the entire community by saving precious water resources and is cost-neutral to District ratepayers.
Funding for this $22.6 million West Bay Sanitary District Recycled Water Project–Sharon Heights has been provided in full or in part by Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. Fundiing has also been provided through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which is capitalized through a variety of funding sources including grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and state bond proceeds.
Related article published in the Almanac: Golden Acorn Awards Ceremony Recognizes Dedicated Community Leaders