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Oct 14, 2020 Minutes

Published 2020-11-04 07:50:21

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 110 Years – 2020
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Dehn by Zoom, Secretary Walker, Treasurer
Thiele-Sardiña, Director Moritz, Director Otte
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ramirez, Kitajima, Condotti by Zoom
Others Present by Zoom: Tim Steele, Sr. Vice President with Sobrato Group, Teresa
Herrera and Matt Anderson with SVCW, Joe La Mariana with
2. Communications from the Public: None.
3. Report by Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) Staff
Comments: SVCW staff gave a presentation on the construction projects and finance plan in
relation to WIFIA rate re-set, bond refunding and the application for a new SRF loan.
4. Authorize District Manager to Execute an Amended Financing Agreement in Connection
with Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (“WIFIA’) Loan by and Between
Silicon Valley Clean Water and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
5. Consideration to Approve Town of Atherton’s Withdrawal from Membership in the South
Bayside Waste Management Authority
Motion to Approve by: Mortiz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: SBWMA Executive Director Joe La Mariana reported by Zoom, the process
necessary to allow the Town of Atherton to exit the JPA. The Board supported Atherton’s
decision. All approvals must be done by member agencies by the end of December. President
Dehn reported by Zoom that the SBWMA Board has agreed to the $2.2M payment by the
Town of Atherton to exit.
6. Report and Discussion on the City of East Palo Alto – Upcoming Projects
Comments: District Manager Ramirez gave a presentation of the City of East Palo Alto
projects and the need for sewer collection to service the community of East Palo Alto. Director
Otte suggested entertaining annexing so West Bay can provide some relief to the flows in
other areas in the East Palo Alto Sanitary District. District Manager Ramirez reported 3
projects are contiguous while 2 are not. Tim Steele, Sr. Vice President with Sobrato Group
reported a potential Bayshore road pipeline would be 1,000 feet long, and serve the University
II Project. He reported on the difficulty they have had with the East Palo Alto Sanitary District.
Assistant City Manager Patrick Heisinger reported 965 Weeks Street is a City of East Palo Alto
owned project. President Dehn asked if the developers would pay for the studies needed. Mr.
Steele stated they would pay for the necessary studies. District Manager Ramirez reported that
EPA Waterfront also offered to pay for studies.
7. District Manager’s Report
1) Administrative:
a. LAFCo is asking if West Bay will take the lead on a CEQA review for the Stonegate
Annexation in Portola Valley. The Stonegate Annexation will annex approximately 9
parcels into the District. Currently the nine parcels are being served by septic tank.
President Dehn stated that she’d like assurance that all fees would be recovered if the
District takes the lead on CEQA for this project, including staff time, consultant fees and
attorney fees.
b. Staff will enter into a “Lease to Own” agreement to purchase a Fujitsu scanner for the
Pilot Scanning Project.
2) Finance:
a. Finance Manager continues to work extensively to address SVCW’s credit rating
consultant inquiries regarding the District’s finances in preparation for the Plant’s Debt
b. End of the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year audit is underway.
3) CIP & IT Projects:
a. Levee Improvement Project:
i. F&L is continuing to work on the Environmental Impact Report and preparing
Draft review for early October. To date the EIR has cost $467,449 of the Board
approved $644,745. The Board approved an additional $341,198 for Levee
Design and Levee Permitting of which $32,290 has been used.
b. Construction Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)
i. Design work for the Bay North and Ringwood pipeline replacement is completed.
Next step is to approve the Call for Bids.
ii. Contractor continues to work with Menlo Park on the Metal Storage Building
4) Operations and Maintenance:
a. Performance Merit Pay Program:
i. Maintenance staff has been working diligently on the cleaning and repair goals.
ii. Operations Superintendent to present the PMPP results at the October 28th
Board meeting.
iii. Recruiting for Pump Facility Supervisor and a Maintenance Worker is going well.
b. Training:
i. COVID 19 Updated Plan Staff Training scheduled for October
5) Water Quality:
a. Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club:
i. Operations going well. To date over 14 million gallons of recycled water has been
ii. Anderson Pacific has begun the 6 month O & M for the SHGCC recycled water
plant. PG&E cost are coming in higher than anticipated because of PG&E
electrical cost increases.
b. Bayfront Recycled Water Plant (BRWP):
i. Working on Environmental Impact Report (EIR) draft.
ii. Staff and Woodard and Curran will be meeting with potential Bayfront Recycled
Water Facility partners in October.
6) Fleet and Facilities:
a. Vehicle Maintenance:
i. Staff is meeting with the City of Redwood City to plan vehicle maintenance
ii. Staff is purchasing additional spare hoses for the PipeHunter cleaning and CCTV
inspection units approved in the budget.
7) Upcoming Events:
a. Ribbon Cutting for West Bay SHGCC Recycled Water Plant: October 27,2020
b. Next Regular Board meetings: October 28, 2020
c. Thanksgiving Lunch: November 10, 2020
d. Special Board Meeting: November 18, 2020 (only one meeting in November)
8) Misc./Action Items from Previous Meeting:
a. West Bay SSOs: Zero SSOs for September 2020 (16 months in a row w/o SSO).
b. LAH Contract: Zero SSO for August. 2 SSO in 2020. Continuing to maintain the
collection system and both Publicly Owned Pump Stations.
c. Town of Woodside Contract: Continuing to maintain High Frequency cleaning
downtown and both Publicly Owned Pump Stations.
d. Revenue: Received approximately $253,000 from September 16 to October 7, 2020 for
permits issued, reimbursements, and services rendered to others.
8. Consent Calendar
Motion to Approve by: Dehn 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting September 23, 2020
B. Approval of the Financial Activity Report/Withdrawal Order Authorizing Payment of
Certain Bills and Salaries and Consideration of Other Financial Matters for October 14,
C. WBSD Operations and Maintenance Report – September 2020
D. Town of Los Altos Hills Operations and Maintenance Report for Work Performed by
WBSD – September 2020
E. Town of Woodside Operations and Maintenance Report for Work Performed by WBSD
– September 2020
F. Consideration to Approve Class 3 Permit 20 Navajo Place, Portola Valley, CA
9. Consideration to Adopt Resolution Delineating Environmental Findings and Authorizing the
District Manager to Call for Bids for the North Bay Road & Ringwood Avenue Project
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Dehn Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: Projects and IT Manager Kitajima reported on the call for bids and the project’s
specifics. President Dehn asked for staff to find out if the County of San Mateo are planning to
perform work in the project area.
10. October 14th Update Report on District Response to Corona Virus
Comments: Staff training on the updated COVID Response Program is planned for October.
11. Report and Discussion on Sharon Heights Recycled Water Plant
Comments: District Manager Ramirez reported on the current status of the treatment plant.
12. Discussion and Direction on Bayfront Recycled Water Project and Status Update
Comments: The Board had an extensive discussion on brining recycled water from Redwood
City. The Board inquired if Redwood City recycled water costs were accurate and current.
President Dehn asked District Manager Ramirez, when meeting with the developers, to ask
them for accurate figures on water demand and to include toilet uses if possible.
13. Report and Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Comments: President Dehn reported that at the upcoming SBWMA Board/TAC study session
on October 15 the new budget will be discussed.
14. Report and Discussion on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW)
Comments: Director Otte reported that the next Commission meeting will be held on October
15. Closed Session
Entered closed session at 8:52 p.m. Left closed session at 9:04 p.m.
Reportable action: None.
Agency Designated Representative: District Manager
Unrepresented employees: Water Quality Manager
16. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Comments: None.
17. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM
/s/ David Walker