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Sept 23, 2020 Minutes

Published 2020-10-27 14:46:49

1902 – Serving Our Community for over 110 Years – 2020
1. Call to Order
President Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM
Roll Call
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Dehn, Secretary Walker, Treasurer Thiele-
Sardiña, Director Moritz, Director Otte
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: District Manager Ramirez, Condotti by Zoom
Others Present: Marva Sheehan and Dave Hilton with HF&H by Zoom.
2. Communications from the Public: None.
3. Consideration to Accept the HF&H Solid Waste Rate Study, Set a Public Hearing for
December 9, 2020 to Review Proposed Solid Waste and Recycling Rates for the Year 2021
and Providing Staff Direction by Minute Order Regarding the Rate Adjustment for 2021 and
Mailing of the Proposition 218 Notice for a Public Hearing
Motion to Approve by:_Mortiz__ 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 3 NAY: 2 Abstain: 0
Comments: District Manager Ramirez read three areas of concern Director Moritz had
regarding “Fixed Solid Rate Route Collection Costs.” His concern was the potential 23%
increase to the 20 gallon cart in one year. Marva Sheehan with HF&H explained the increases
are due to the new SBWMA Restated and Amended Agreement. Direct Moritz insisted the rate
was too high for most customers to endure. Director Moritz made a motion to accept the report
but only if a reduced increase to the 20 gallon cart was considered as part of the report. The
Board provided direction to the District Manager to forward the rate study report for review
once the edits were made by HF&H.
4. Consideration to Approve Performance Merit Pay Program for FY2020-21
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Otte Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: President Dehn would like Staff to normalize the data results when approving the
PMPP payout next month. The purpose in normalizing the data will be to highlight the impacts
of COVID-19 on the level of production through the restricted work schedules.
5. Consideration to Approve the Preliminary Financial Statements FY 2019-20 for Fiscal Year
ending 6/30/2020
Motion to Approve by: Thiele-Sardiña 2nd by: Moritz Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: Finance Manager Fisher reported on the District Financial Statement for Fiscal
Year ending June 30, 2020. She highlighted Revenues and Expenditures; as well as the status
of Reverses and the District’s overall Net Position. Several members of the Board
complimented her on a job well done with the report.
6. Consideration to Approve the Report of GASB 75 Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/19 for Fiscal
Year ending 6/30/2020
Motion to Approve by: Walker 2nd by: Moritz Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
7. District Manager’s Report
Comments: District Manager Ramirez asked for direction on the November meeting
schedule. It was determined the November 11th and 25th Board meeting will be canceled and a
scheduled a meeting on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 instead. Additionally, the
Thanksgiving Lunch was scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th. All COVID-19 response
guidelines will be followed.
1) Administrative:
a. HF&H submitted proposal for FY21/22 Sewer Rate Study in the amount of $36,000 to
address next year’s revenue requirements, SVCW Bonds Refund plan, and the plant’s
Regional Environmental Sewer Conveyance Upgrade (RESCU) Program. The amount
has been budgeted. District Manager Ramirez will enter into an agreement to retain
their services.
b. Staff is reviewing scanners for the Pilot Scanning Project. A local Intern will be used
once staff has created a planned approach to the project.
2) Finance:
a. Prepared the End of the Year Preliminary Financial Statement for the September 23rd
Board meeting.
b. Received two SRF reimbursements for $415,966.00 and $224,931.00 from the State.
c. Finance Manager Fisher is working extensively to address SVCW’s credit rating
consultant inquiries regarding the District’s finances in preparation for the Plant’s Debt
3) CIP & IT Projects:
a. Levee Improvement Project:
i. F&L is continuing to work on the Environmental Impact Report and preparing
Draft review for late September or early October with a scheduled submittal for
ii. Recycled Water Committee and Staff met with potential funding partners for the
proposed Bayfront Recycled Water Facility on September 16th.
b. Construction Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)
i. Design work for Bay North and Ringwood pipeline replacement continues. Final
design should be completed this fall.
ii. Contractor is working with Menlo Park on the Metal Storage Building permit.
4) Operations and Maintenance:
a. Performance Merit Pay Program:
i. Responded to clean out service call in the Town of Woodside on September 11,
ii. Staff is wrapping up the goals for the PMPP. Operations Superintendent to
present results at the October 28th Board meeting.
iii. Maintenance Worker a submitted a 15 day resignation notice.
iv. Recruiting for Pump Facility Supervisor and a Maintenance Worker.
b. Training:
i. Overflow Emergency Response Plan Staff Training went well
ii. COVID 19 Updated Plan Staff reviewed and updated by Du-All Safety Training
scheduled for Mid-October
5) Water Quality:
a. Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club:
i. Operations going well. To date over 11 million gallons of recycled water has been
ii. SHGCC Final Retention Payment is due to Anderson Pacific on September 27,
b. Bayfront Recycled Water Plant (BRWP):
i. Working on Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
ii. Board should consider a discussions whether to cover a portion of the Bayfront
Recycled Water Plant.
6) Fleet and Facilities:
a. Vehicle Maintenance:
i. The District is now entered into an agreement with the City of Redwood City for
vehicle maintenance services.
ii. New Service Truck Unit 208 is being deployed to the field in the next 45 days.
The new service unit is a tall Ford Transit Van.
7) Upcoming Events:
a. Board meetings: Next regular meeting will be held on October 14, 2020.
b. November Board Meeting falls on Veteran’s Day: Discuss holding Special Board
Meeting on November 18th.
8) Misc./Action Items from Previous Meeting:
a. West Bay SSOs: Zero SSO for August. 2020 Total = 0. 15 months in a row w/o SSO.
b. LAH Contract: Zero SSO for August. 2 SSO in 2020. Continuing to maintain the
collection system and both Publicly Owned Pump Stations.
c. Town of Woodside Contract: Continuing to maintain High Frequency cleaning
downtown and both Publicly Owned Pump Stations.
d. Revenue: Received approximately $758,000 from August 27 to September 15, 2020 for
permits issued, SRF reimbursements, and services rendered to others.
8. Consent Calendar
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: None.
A. Approval of Minutes for Regular meeting September 9, 2020 Pg. 8A-1
B. Approval of the Financial Activity Report/Withdrawal Order Authorizing Payment of
Certain Bills and Salaries and Consideration of Other Financial Matters for September 23,
2020 Pg. 8B-1
C. Bank of the West Monthly Investment Portfolio Statements Pg. 8C-1
D. Consideration to Accept the Work by Air & Lube Systems, Inc. for the Diesel Tanks
Replacement Project and Authorizing the District Manager to File the Notice of Completion
Pg. 8D-1
9. Consideration to Approve Resolution Revising the Record Retention Policy and Record
Retention Schedule
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Walker Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: The Board mentioned a proper naming convention should be used by Staff when
saving and sending documents in the future. Item was approved pending District Counsel
review of personnel records requirement section 3.50 and to report back any comments.
10. September 23rd Update Report on District Response to Corona Virus
Comments: District Manager Ramirez gave an update on latest COVID-19 response plan.
11. Consideration to Authorize the District Manager to Remit Final Retention Payment to Anderson
Pacific Engineering Construction Inc. in the Amount of $258,753.88 for the Recycled Water
Project – Sharon Heights
Motion to Approve by: Moritz 2nd by: Thiele-Sardiña Vote: AYE: 5 NAY: 0 Abstain: 0
Comments: Member Moritz suggested sending Anderson Pacific a big thank you for
completing such a large project within budget and without using any of the contingency money
in the project.
12. Discussion and Direction on Recycled Water Projects – Sharon Heights & Bayfront,
Including Project Status
Comments: DM Ramirez gave an update on the new treatment plant and the Bayfront
Recycled Water Project. Director Thiele-Sardiña asked if bringing recycled water from
Redwood City to Bayfront had been considered.
13. Report & Discussion on South Bayside Waste Management Authority (SBWMA)
Comments: President Dehn reported the Town of Atherton has chosen to exit the JPA and go
to Green Waste. The Town will need to pay $2.2M in order to exit and the Town has agreed to
14. Report, Discussion & Direction on Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) and Discussion on
SVCW CIP Program and Financing
Comments: Director Otte reported SVCW will be refinancing the treatment plant’s debt.
15. Closed Session
Entered closed session at 9:22 p.m. Left closed session at 9:26 p.m.
Reportable action: None.
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Cal. Govt. Code § 54956.9(d)(2):
(1 potential case)
(Cal. Govt. Code §54956.9(d))
Name of Case: 1740 Oak Avenue, LP v. West Bay Sanitary District, et al. – SMCSC Case
No. 18CIV02183
16. Comments or Reports from Members of the District Board and Consider Items to be
Placed on Future Agenda
Comments: None
17. Adjournment Time: The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 PM
/s/ David Walker